الجمعة، 4 فبراير 2011

Ablution prevents Skin Diseases

I have an Islamic report on the Miracles in the Quran that have been proved to be 100% correct in this century showing that OUR dear prophet indeed was God's Messenger. I was searching and this is what I found. I found it in Arabic and I translated it through Google chrome so excuse me for an language mistakes.

Ablution and prevention of skin diseases

He said peace be upon him: (from the ablution ablution so well out of his body,
 his sins until you come out from under the nails) Narrated by Muslim: A: (if my
 claim to the Day of Resurrection of the traces of effects of the wash, it is able
 to lengthen the helm, you let him do so) agreed 

Proved by modern science after microscopic examination of the farm microbial 
learned in the regular ablution .. And non-regular: that those who constantly
 doing the wudu ..
 Has appeared mostly at nose clean is clean free of microbes and microbial came
 the farms that have had completely free from any type of microbes, while giving
 the noses of not doing the wudu microbial farms with multiple types and large 
quantities of microbes spherical Ancodepalhdidp infection .. And spherica

Streptococcus rapid proliferation ..Organic and microbes that cause many

 diseases have been shown to self-poisoning occurs as a result of the growth 

of harmful microbes in Tjoevy nose and into their stomach and intestines and

 cause inflammation and numerous diseases, especially when it enters circulation.
To that, he inhaled frequently three times in each of the light For the rinse has 
been proven that she can memorize the understanding and throat infections 
and pyoderma gums and piety teeth from caries remove waste Taamip that 
may remain which has been scientifically proven that ninety percent of those
 who lose Osmonanhm if cared for oral hygiene to have lost their teeth prematurely
 and that article Alsididip and mold with saliva and food are absorbed by the stomach
 and shall apply to the blood .. And then to all members and cause many diseases and
 the mouth develops some muscles in the face and make it round .. This exercise was
 not mentioned by professors from sport little to they left to the large muscles in the
 body, wash face and hands to the elbows, feet, utility removes dust and it contains 
bacteria, as well as for cleaning the skin from fatty substances produced by glands
 of the skin as well as to remove the race has been scientifically proven that microbes
 do not attacking the human skin but if neglected clean .. , If a person stayed a long 
time without money for its members, the skin secretions of various fats and sweat
 accumulate on the surface of the skin causing intense itching and itching Nail
 .. Which are often non-intervention of microbes to clean the skin. Also, the secretions 
accumulated is an invitation for bacteria to multiply and grow to this, the ablution 
Borcanh already aware of bacteriology and modern scientists, who used a microscope
 to detect bacteria and fungi that attack the skin, which does not take care of the owner
 Bnzafth which is the ablution and washing with the continued testing and studies .. 
Given the experiences of other scientific facts .. Research has shown that the skin
 of the hands holds many of the microbes that may be passed to the mouth or nose 
when you do not wash them .. Therefore you must wash your hands thoroughly 
when you start to Ablution .. This explains the saying of the Prophet peace be 
upon him (if you woke up from his sleep .. not dipped his hand in the jar until 
washed three times) and may also proven that the blood circulation in the upper
 limbs of the hands and forearms and lower limbs of the feet and legs weaker
 than in other Member after for the center, which is the heart, washed with Dlkha
 strengthens the blood circulation to these organs of the body which increases 
in the activity of the person and effectiveness. It is evident that all of the scientific
 miracles in the legitimacy of ablution in Islam
Dr. Ahmed Shawki Ibrahim, a member of the Royal Medical Association in London
 and advisory internal diseases and the heart .. Scientists that the fall of the light
 rays on the water during ablution lead to the start of negative ions and reduces
 the cations leading to relax the nerves and muscles and get rid of the body from
 high blood pressure, muscle pain, anxiety, and insomnia .. and confirmed by one
 of American Scientists in the saying: The magical power of water even spray
 water on the face and hands - means Ablution - is the best way to relax tension
 and clearance ... Glory to God Almighty

Source: Journal of the reform issue 296 years 1994 "seminars Association of
 Scientific Miracles of the Qur'an in Cairo 
Source "Scientific Miracles in Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet"
 Mohammed Kamil Abdel Samad

source :http://www.maknoon.com/e3jaz/new_page_55.htm 

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. sorry about the whole thingy shifting to the right side , it just came out that way :S
